#Action/Take # [[Take Action MOC]] #### What You Can Do Remember - this is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to take consistent action. It is interesting to note the following from the book [[ProjectBubbleBurst/Books/59 Seconds]]: > Carrying out acts of kindness on one day each week increased happiness by an incredible 40% (5 acts in the same day - eg thank you note, help a friend, giving blood etc...) ^a698e7 So, look at the below list, pick some actions which appeal to you and take 5 actions on the same day each week: The [[Take Action MOC#Action Links]] below document actions you can take now categorised as: - [[Take Action MOC#Health|Health]] - [[Take Action MOC#Economy / Economics|Economy]] - [[Take Action MOC#Advocacy|Advocacy]] - [[Take Action MOC#Politics and Charity|Politics and Charity]] - [[Take Action MOC#Censorship|Censorship]] - [[Take Action MOC#Support|Suggestions to Support]] #### Health - [[16 Minutes To Educate Friends and Family]] - [[Masks - 16 Minutes To Educate A Local Leader]] - [[Covid Vaccine Injury Report - UK]] - [[UK Covid Enquiry - Share Your Experience]] - [[Action 21 - Join the Vaccine Control Group]] - [[Cold Therapy]] #### Economy / Economics - [[Vote with your wallet]] - [[Keep Cash Alive]] - [[Refuse To Pay Electronically]] - [[Let them know - WEF Off]] #### Advocacy - [[Join the Together Declaration Now]] - [[Do not extradite Julian Assange]] - [[Write to Julian Assange]] - [[World Freedom Alliance Action Plan]] - [[The Activism Accelerant]] - [[Big Brother Watch - Stop Vaccine Passports]] - [[Not Our Future Pledge]] - [[Not Our Future Video]] - [[We are millions]] #### Politics and Charity - [[Take politics out of charity]] #### Censorship - [[Download Important Reference Material]] #### Support - [[Action 20 - Lend your support to these people]] Remember - the more we as a collective act in a concerted and effective manner, the quicker this insanity can be brought to an end. > If we are to awaken, we must become informed. If we become informed, we are called upon by duty owed to our very life purpose to act in ways that promote freedom and hope for all. ^[[[Eldon Taylor]]] > > <div class="signature"> - Eldon Taylor, Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will </div> ^661a15 #### Tell the truth Given the massive censorship taking place across the world, there is no guarantee pertinent information will stay up on the Internet very long... ![[PostingTheTruth.png]] And of course, where the narrative does not fit, it will be labelled as 'false', [[Misinformation]], [[Points of Interest/Disinformation|Disinformation]] or [[Malinformation]] despite the underlying references/studies/analyses etc... Remember - ask yourself how is it... ![[FactCheckersExistence.jpg]] #### Your duty You have a duty to protect yourself, your family and your community. - If not you? Who? - If not now? When? - If not bothered? Why? > "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" Remember history has lessons we need to learn... ![[FirstTheyCame.png]] As [[Project Veritas]] said "Do something brave..." %%#### Action List Just work through the list from start to finish and when you're done - rinse and repeat... 1. Send TGVQ quiz (both the quiz links AND the PDF versions) to your friends/colleagues/family/subscribers: 1. Send as an email (Longer life) 2. Send as a text 3. Send via social media - Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,GAB,Parler, Telegram etc... 2. Download the quiz materials to your own computer 3. Re-upload the quiz materials to your own websites/channels 4. Send the quiz to your elected representatives (email/PDF printout). 1. "Chop up" and send any question/answer combination you wish 2. For the UK - you can get your MPs details here https://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/contact-an-mp-or-lord/contact-your-mp/ 5. Send us new questions/ideas for future quizzes (I hope we don't have to have dozens of these quizzes but more than 1 for sure!) - see the Contact section at the bottom of these pages. 6. Join a local community - search Telegram for local groups. I can recommend A Stand In The Park (See screenshot below) - **You are not alone** Examine Resources here https://doctors4covidethics.org/resources-2/ TEMPLATES FOR PARENTS, EMPLOYEES AND OTHERS https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/resources/template-letters **Selection of **letters of liability and conditional acceptance regarding vaccines and [[mask]]**s** [Click here to download a word document with links to templates and letters for use against vaccine and [[mask]] mandates](https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Vaccine-Mask-Liability-Conditional-Acceptance-Letters-and-Templates.docx) Together Declaration AgainstVaccinePassports #### A Parallel Economy https://news.gab.com/2021/02/17/its-time-to-build-our-own-economy/ Parler Rumble etc... #### Your Voice Counts ##### Your responsibility - Perform your own research - Take action #### Take Care of Your Health ##### Your Body When it comes to messaging from [[Main Stream Media]] and governments across the globe, what has been notable by absence (or cursory mention) is your personal responsibility to yourself to look after your own health. Your immune system performs in a miraculous fashion and remember, we are constantly exposed to viruses in our everyday lives but we don't always succomb - this is down to how well your immune system is functioning of course. So, it makes sense to: - Eat well - Exercise regularly - Sleep well - Look after your immune system Some resources here to help: - [[7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally - Dr Sam Bailey]] ##### Your Mind There are many stars who have shone brightly during these dark times and one who has acted as a pole-star to many - at the expense of serious online trolling/bullying - is [[Emma Kenny]]. Here are a couple of her resources you should tap into to help with keeping you on an even keel: - [Guided Meditations](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtgiCYAf9PKeQuYOuSidjc7bKrnDzG3_4) - [Live Mental Health Clinics Every Week](https://www.youtube.com/c/EmmaKennyTV/search?query=clinic) #### Act Now - because it is your children's future at stake Sounds like hyperbole doesn't it? The level of [[Cognitive Dissonance In Action]] in 2020 has been staggering. Although many of the resources referred to on this action list are UK oriented, the same principles (and perhaps tweaked content) can be adopted by others across the globe. If you do have country specific resources/equivalents, then please do get in touch - details at the bottom of this section. #### Global Action - Everyone can take action... - [[Stop Medical Discrimination|Sign the Stop Medical Discrimination Petition]] #### Elected Representative Actions ##### UK Write to your MP ###### Where to find them If you wish to construct your own tailored letter, by all means do so. https://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/contact-an-mp-or-lord/contact-your-mp/ #### Hospitality Sector Actions ##### Display Posters - [[Wetherspoons Posters]] # Petitions %% ##### Action Links Along with the below, you may want to lend your support to those who [[Action 20 - Lend your support to these people|who have already put their heads above the parapet]] ![[TakeAction-Links]] ##### See also - [[What is a MOC]] - ![[Footer]]