[[People/B]] - A concerned father, husband, brother and son. ![[VeeAssembly.png]] [[People/B]] is one of ye. Someone who [[I do not need privacy as I have nothing to hide|values their privacy]] - as should you. No familial relation to [V from V for Vendetta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_for_Vendetta) but an ideological brother in arms. I shall use the 'B' persona to channel my inner 'V' and to have a little fun in character when I get round to do some videos. It affords a modicum of privacy^[But if bad actors with means and motive want to track me down, they can of course...] I believe - You are a sovereign being - You have a right to privacy - You have a right to freedom - You have a right to self defense - You have a right to make a living - You have a right to love - You have a right to live Indeed, the [[United Nations]] for all their current problems had a pretty good stab at these rights with the [[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]]. Prior to the world going bat-shit crazy in [[2020]], I had a vision for what I wanted to do career wise. I wanted to deeply research the subject of [[Critical Thinking MOC|Critical Thinking]] and create/publish/run courses in this area. That's in somewhat of a holding pattern for now as first things first, the site will focus on certain key subjects (see [[000START HERE#Welcome|HERE]]) in terms of: - Research - to provide a library of well researched content with references wherever possible - Analysis - to help make sense (without emotional hyperbole) of where we are and where we are going - [[Take Action MOC|Actions!]] - there is little point in hand-wringing and complaining if we watch the train-wreck unfold without putting on the brakes, or more accurately changing to a different track. In the world of tomorrow, we need to ensure we have options for those who choose the path of freedom. We need parallel societal and economic options. ![[May your God go with you#^60ce92]] ![[Footer]]